Please read our Terms and Conditions before accessing our website or using our services. Irrespective thereof, you are subject to our Terms and Conditions when accessing or using any part of the website and the services.


  • Provider, Vietnam-airports.com is an e-commercial or non-government website.
  • Client is an individual or company who conducts payment of the Sales Order/ Booking.
  • Terms and Conditions is an agreement between The Client and The Provider that contains a set of regulations governing the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of The Client and The Provider, as well as the term for using the Provider’s services.
  • Services are all types of services, functions, responsibilities offered by the Provider to the Client, the conditions of which are stated in this Terms and Conditions.
  • Provider’s Account is an Account established by The Provider for payment/register process at Provider website, provided in Sales Order/Booking.
  • Sales Order/Booking is a list of services, functions, and/or responsibilities that have been requested by The Client to be executed by The Provider, including “Addendum”, “Invoice” or “Quotation.”
  • Government shall refer to any institutions that have governmental authority or quasi-governmental authority, including its organs, be it at national or local level.


  • Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using this website. If you object to any of the terms and conditions set out in this agreement, you should not use any of the products or services on the Website and leave immediately.
  • You agree that you shall not use the Website for illegal purposes, and will respect all applicable laws and regulations.
  • You agree not to use the website in a way that may impair the performance, corrupt the content or otherwise reduce the overall functionality of the Website.
  • You (also) agree not to compromise the security of the Website or attempt to gain access to secured areas or sensitive information.
  • You agree to be fully responsible for any claim, expense, liability, losses, costs including legal fees incurred by us arising from any infringement of the terms and conditions set out in this agreement.


  • Vietnam-airports.com reserves the right to change any part of this agreement without notice, and your access to the site will be considered acceptance of this agreement. We advise users to regularly check the Terms and Conditions of this agreement.
  • We have complete discretion to modify or remove any part of this site without warning or liability arising from such action.


The Client hereby indemnifies Vietnam-airports.com from any responsibility upon any loss or damages arising from misuse of the Client account caused by the Client’s negligence while using the account and password made by and loaned to and/or transferred by Vietnam-airports.com.


Vietnam-airports.com may offer to provide additional services in some jurisdictions e.g. Fast-track Service at the airport, Emergency Document Service, Car pick-up service, ESim service. If so, the description and relevant terms for those additional services are available on the Website via the Service Directory and are incorporated into these terms.


An email with the title "Application #ID: Your booking is confirmed - Payment Successful (Payment gate) – [Name of applicant]" will show that we already received your payment. We will send you an email with the subject "Application #ID: Your booking is confirmed - Payment Remind (Payment gate) - [Name of applicant]" if your payment is failed and instructs you to try again using a different payment method. Any problems that result from a failed payment are not our responsibility. If we do not receive payment from you, we will not process your booking. If your booking is canceled due to a mistake on our part: We will refund all fees for you. You shall pay for all bank charges, exchange rate differences, currency adjustments, transaction fee and other such charges incurred by your bank or financial institution(s) throughout the payment process.

The fees for Vietnam-airports.com services shall be those specified on the website. Other charges and fees charged by an issuing authority or any courier or delivery service, all of which must be paid by you.

Please check all your information on the online application form before submitting it.

Consular fees/Government fee and availability of services are subject to change without notice. Fees and services may differ between the time the order is placed and when the order is completed. When possible, Vietnam-airports.com will try to inform the client of said changes. We reserve the right to choose the best service available given the time limits that the client has specified.

Orders which are not submitted via the online order process may be charged an additional administrative fee if so specified on the Website. Vietnam-airports.com reserves the right to retain passports and documents until full payment is received. Depending on how many business days are available to order the service, the cost of the Vietnam-airports.com service may change. Holidays and consulate closings are not included.


You have from 7 to 14 calendar days from the date of delivery of the services (or if not delivered, from the date of order) to inform Vietnam-airports.com of any feedback related to Vietnam-airports.com services. Once the relevant deadline has passed, any feedback shall expire.


These terms and conditions and any document expressly referred to in them constitute the entire agreement between us and supersede all previous discussions, correspondence, negotiations, previous arrangements, understandings, or agreements between us relating to the subject matter of any contract. If any provision of these Terms does not comply with any law, then the provision must be read down so as to give it as much effect as possible. If it is not possible to give the provision any effect at all, then it must be treated as severable from the rest of the Terms. Where Vietnam-airports.com is unable to carry out any obligation under the contract due to any circumstance, matter, or thing beyond its reasonable control (“force majeure”), Vietnam-airports.com shall be excused from such obligations to the extent of such prevention, restriction, or interference so caused. Vietnam-airports.com may subcontract all or part of its obligations or assign all or part of its rights under this contract. This agreement does not create any right enforceable by a person who is not a party to it, except for any lawful successor or assignee. Any dispute arising under this agreement shall be governed by Vietnamese Law, and both parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Vietnam.


  • Purpose for collection and processing
    When you provide us with personal information to complete a transaction, place an order, deliver a product or return a product, we understand that you consent to our collecting it and using it for your specific reasons only that body. If we ask for your personal information for a secondary reason, like marketing, we will ask you directly for your consent or provide you with an opportunity to say no. Provision of personal information to The One Digi Corp is voluntary. Please note, however, that a refusal to provide personal information may limit our ability to provide the requested services. Personal information is collected directly from the applicant or an authorized representative on behalf of the applicant.
  • Scope
    This Privacy Notice applies to the provision of additional services that are provided by The One Digi Corp. It is not mandatory to provide your personal data for the “Services”, however, without providing the required personal data, we may not be able to deliver these services.
  • How long your data is held for?
    Your personal data is deleted from The One Digi Corp’s systems after successful service delivery. Only your name and contact details, as well as the passport number, are retained for the purposes of the appointment scheduling, tracking the progress of your order, and returning your documents to you. This personal data is destroyed (30) thirty days after services rendered to you are completed, or as agreed to by the Vietnamese Government. If you use a self-service workstation in our application center, the data on this workstation is deleted after every session. If you contact us with follow-up questions or a complaint, we may retain your contact information, application reference number for the time it takes to resolve your matter. We are legally required to hold some types of information to fulfil our statutory obligations (for example; invoices for taxation legislation).
  • Who do we share your information with?
    We share your personal information with the Vietnamese Government as an authorised service provider. This information includes the personal information supplied by you to support your order. We will not share your personal information to third parties without your consent. This consent may be explicit, such as when you give consent verbally, written, or on-line, or implied, such as when you enter into a contract with us to deliver an optional additional service. We only use partners that have satisfactory data protection measures in place and that have been approved by the Vietnamese Government. We will only disclose personal information when requested by a public authority and only if that request is supported by a court order and with the permission of the Vietnamese Government. We may also share information concerning your interactions with us to the Vietnamese Government in connection with a complaint, request, data access request, or as requested by the Vietnamese Government.
  • Who to contact for privacy concerns?
    We understand that you may have questions about this Privacy Notice or our privacy practices. Please feel free to contact us in one of the following ways: Email: info@vietnam-airports.com The One Digi Corp Office: No. 40 - 42, Thien Phuoc St Ward 9, Tan Binh Dist, HCMC, Vietnam
  • Accessing or updating your Personal Information
    You have the right to access and ask for a copy of the information The One Digi Corp holds about you. If you request access to your personal information, we will gladly comply, subject to any relevant legal requirements and exemptions. Before providing data to you, we will ask for proof of identity and sufficient information about your interaction with us so that we can locate any relevant data.